Design & budgeting
Is there an existing project by ceramicscapes you’ve seen that you want to build inspiration from? I am known for my excellent customer service and would love to work with you to design your project that will help you complete your vision.
Contact me to discuss your needs. Individual pods range in price from $30 – $45 dollars each depending on the complexity of the glaze or design.

Basic components to work with:
Are you working with certain colors or textures? What space would you like to see a ceramic wall pods installed and will they be indoors or outdoors? I’ll need measurements to help you decide how many you should commission. Wall pods are designed to hang from a simple 1.5″+ nail angled in the wall. If you have an outdoor installation where traffic might pose issues, I can design the opening to fit over a screw for security.
I have tested wall pod installations in the Denver, CO climate and they weather fine year round. The only note is that, on occasion, wasps enjoy building homes inside of pods.
Specific design and detailed budgeting
Now that we’ve nailed down basic design elements and you’ve had a chance to look over the first round of visualization and cost estimates, I’ll provide you with an invoice for the commission.

On average, I need about 3-4 weeks to complete a custom commission depending on my current work schedule. I will keep you updated as to progress. When I’m ready to ship your wall pods to you, I’ll provide you with tracking information. All orders are packed very securely to ensure that nothing breaks en-route to you. In the event breakage does occur, please let me know as soon as possible and I’ll replace the damaged items.