Take a Class!

Hi friends! I’m really excited to announce that I will begin teaching again after an almost 7 year break.

Why now? This summer, my husband and I relocated to Fort Collins from Denver after our daughter started college – suffice it to say that I have a lot more time on my hands. I also love sharing my love of clay with others young and old alike. In teaching, I don’t just pass on my knowledge, I also learn so much from my students who often bring fresh ideas to the class that I may not have thought about before.

In Person Classes

I am currently teaching two clay workshops to absolute beginners at River North Workshop (RNW) in the RINO area of Denver. RNW is a an open workshop/retail store that will host my classes in an intimate setting (only 8 spots are available for each class) that will allow for lots of conversation and personal attention. Classes are approximately 2 hours long.

Bonus! – Continental Clay is a sponsor for my first two Dabble classes and has generously donated two 25 pound bags of clay that 1 lucky person will receive in each of the following classes.

Depending on reception, I will add classes in the future.

Class registration and secure payment is handled directly through Dabble.

Make Small Pottery Dishes Ceramicscapes
Make Small Pottery Dishes with Cindy Guajardo of Ceramicscapes

Class 1 – Saturday, November 12, 2016 4:30 – 6:30 PM

Clay Workshop: Make 4 Personalized Ceramic Dishes to Gift or Keep – $55.00 Class

Skill level: Beginner – no experience necessary

Learn the basics of pottery by making ceramic dishes using slab building techniques and regular tools that can be found at almost any general goods store.

Students will learn how to roll out a slab of clay by hand, cut the clay into small dish sized shapes, and then stamp a texture, personal message, date, or other saying onto the dish.

These little dishes are perfect to store jewelry, to use as tea bag holders, to use as a candle holder, to mark an important date and more.

Participants will pick up their finished work at River North Workshop two weeks after the workshop.

This quick intro to clay class run approximately 2 hours from 4:30 – 6:30 pm – perfect before heading out to happy hour or dinner on Saturday night.

Saturday, Nov 12 2016
04:30:00 PM
Price: $55.00

For More Class information or to Sign Up – Click here

Class 2 – Saturday, December 3, 2016 12:30 – 2:30 PM

Clay Workshop: Make 4 Personalized Ceramic Ornaments to Gift or Keep – $55.00 Class

Skill level: Beginner – no experience necessary

Learn the basics of pottery by making ceramic ornaments using slab building techniques and regular tools that can be found at almost any general goods store.

Students will learn how to roll out a slab of clay by hand, cut the clay into various shapes, and then stamp a texture, personal message, date, or other saying onto the ornament.

Your ornaments will make great gifts to give for the upcoming holidays and to commenmorate special moments.

Each student will make at least 4+ ornaments.

Participants will pick up their finished work at River North Workshop two weeks after the workshop.

This quick intro to clay class run approximately 2 hours Saturday afternoon.

Saturday, Dec 03 2016
12:30:00 PM
Price: $55.00

For More Class information or to Sign Up – Click here

Don’t hesitate to contact me directly for more information or any questions that you may have!


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