100 Days of Patterns Late May Update

It’s been a busy month getting ready for two shows, doing the shows and then allowing myself to decompress. Through it all though, I’ve been keeping up with my 100 Days Project that I started on April 4, 2017.

Cindy Guajardo - 100 Days of Patterns Late May Update
Cindy Guajardo – 100 Days of Patterns Late May Update

100 Days of Patterns Late May Update

If you’re just finding this post, I’ll recap my project. For 100 days, I am basically making marks in black and white that I plan to translate to paper clay tiles. I decided to break up the 100 days into 20 day increments. Each 20 days, I concentrate on a different shape or mark. So far, I have done circles, lines and now I’m working on triangles.

Some of the shapes definitely cross over – especially lines. When I was working on lines, it became apparent that lines can make shapes too. See below.

Cindy Guajardo - 100 Days of Pattern 38
Cindy Guajardo – 100 Days of Pattern 38

Here are a few of my favorite triangle drawings

Cindy Guajardo - 100 Days of Pattern 50
Cindy Guajardo – 100 Days of Pattern 50
Cindy Guajardo - 100 Days of Pattern 49
Cindy Guajardo – 100 Days of Pattern 49
Cindy Guajardo - 100 Days of Pattern 48
Cindy Guajardo – 100 Days of Pattern 48
Cindy Guajardo - 100 Days of Pattern 46
Cindy Guajardo – 100 Days of Pattern 46
Cindy Guajardo - 100 Days of Pattern 44
Cindy Guajardo – 100 Days of Pattern 44

It seems like a really simple exercise, and at the same time, it’s challenging to draw the same thing differently for 20 days straight. Some drawings definitely inform new ones. For example, the chevron pattern (drawing 49) evolved from the small triangles (drawing 44). And then the line work in drawing 50 is a direct result of mapping out the chevron pattern.

I’m not quite sure what my next 20 days should be, but I am hoping that inspiration strikes in the next week. 🙂

Next Event

On June 17th, I’ll be doing an in store pop up shop at the West Elm in Cherry Creek.

Where & When: 
West Elm Cherry Creek
2955 E 1st Ave #101
Denver, CO 80206

June 17, 2017 â€“ 12:00 â€“ 4:00 PM 

Sketch 9/365 and Sketch to Pot

9/365 April 1, 2015
9/365 April 1, 2015

I don’t have a ton to say about this sketch, except that I was experimenting with the ink and it didn’t quite go as I envisioned. I attempted to save it with the line work. Someone mentioned on Instagram that it looked cosmic – funny because after I drew this one, I started researching constellations. 😀

Sketch 7/365 was the inspiration for the deco on this bottle
Sketch 7/365 was the inspiration for the deco on this bottle

Later in the day, I headed to the Colorado Potters Guild to work on some pots that I’m planning on firing in the soda kiln with a group later in April. I’m pretty psyched about using this daily drawing practice as fodder for surface decoration for my clay work because I have always left the decorating/glazing up to the last minute and it shows. I have always enjoyed the making part and want to make the decorating more thought out and just as enjoyable as the making.

sketch 9 ingredients
sketch 9 ingredients
  1. sketch book
  2. sumi ink
  3. paint brush
  4. water
  5. white gel pen
  6. pencil
  7. circle template
  8. sliding parallel ruler



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