Call for Ceramic Artists
I publish interviews with artists whose primary medium is clay once a week, every Friday. This regular segment is named “Feature Fridays” which can be found when searching the Ceramicscapes Blog using the category search function on the righthand sidebar of the blog page.
Why participate in “Feature Fridays”?
I love clay and being connected to other ceramic artists. My mission is to promote the clay arts and to highlight people working in the field. I also love stories and learning about people’s unique clay journey makes their work that much more meaningful.
I also believe that Feature Fridays will be a good opportunity for Ceramicscapes and participants to build personal connections and to drive traffic to our respective sites. A stronger clay community is a win-win for everyone!

I will publish a “Feature Friday” blog post the morning of your scheduled date and will include links to where people can find your work (websites, social media profiles, etc.), along with upcoming show events.
In addition, I will give you a shout out on Ceramicscapes’ Instagram account and Pinterest Account.
As of March 16, 2017, I have over 6500 Instagram followers and 772 Pinterest followers (though these numbers fluctuate). I am currently actively building traffic to my website.

If you would like to be featured on Ceramicscapes’ website on “Feature Fridays”, please fill out the form below. As of 3/16/17, I’m scheduling for May/June right now.
If selected, I will craft a short interview tailored for you that you will return to me in advance of your feature. I’ll also ask you to include at least 6 images of your work, studio space or other relevant photos.
Anyone working with clay as a primary medium who is at an intermediate or advanced level.
Who am I? From 2006 – 2013 I maintained a blog on my website, Colorado Art Studio, and built up quite a bit of content and traffic that is still being repinned and shared with other clay enthusiasts.
In 2013, with the rise of microblogging on Facebook and Instagram, I wasn’t sure that blogging was relevant and archived my former blog and lost the domain name when I rebranded my clay business as ceramicscapes. But, I was wrong about blogs not being relevant anymore.
So, this year, I started an experiment on the Colorado Potters Guild website that I maintain where I post interviews with our members. It’s been quite successful. People want to read more about their favorite ceramic artists! Additionally, I can track the success of these interviews via Google Analytics and provide measurable statistics.
Absolutely FREE! The only thing that I ask is that participants share a link to their Feature Friday profile on their websites or social media profiles.